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Locate a substring in a string
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#include <string.h>
char strstr (const char *big, const char *little)
char strcasestr (const char *big, const char *little)
char strnstr (const char *big, const char *little, size_t len)

#include <xlocale.h>
char strcasestr_l (const char *big, const char *little, locale_t loc)


The strstr function locates the first occurrence of the null-terminated string \c little in the null-terminated string \c big.

The strcasestr function is similar to strstr , but ignores the case of both strings.

The strnstr function locates the first occurrence of the null-terminated string \c little in the string \c big, where not more than \c len characters are searched. Characters that appear after a \0 character are not searched. Since the strnstr function is a FreeBSD specific API, it should only be used when portability is not a concern.

While the strcasestr function uses the current locale, the strcasestr_l function may be passed a locale directly. See xlocale for more information.

Return Values

If little is an empty string, big is returned; if little occurs nowhere in big, NULL is returned; otherwise a pointer to the first character of the first occurrence of little is returned.

Example - Locate a substring in a string
The following sets the pointer ptr to the "Bar Baz" portion of largestring:

const char *largestring = "Foo Bar Baz";
const char *smallstring = "Bar";
char *ptr;
ptr = strstr(largestring, smallstring);


The strstr function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1990 ("ISO C90").