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Index » Products » Formula Render (fxRender) »

fxRender v3.0.8.0

CodeCogs\′s Photo
13 May 13, 8:56AM
fxRender v3.0.8.0
Our latest build adds support for the the LaTeX commands
  • \sfrac{ }{ } for slanted fractions
  • \tfrac{ }{ } for tiny fractions
  • \cfrac{ }{ } for full size fractions (i.e. the top and bottom remain the same size as the parent)

These can be used to construct more complicated expressions for variables. In time, we'll also use sfrac instead of the larger horizontal fraction for simple numbers, like 1/2 or 3/4

To see these function in use now, simply create a label for a cell, i.e.
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