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Index » Products » LaTeX Equation Editor »

Regarding the output of the MathML generation

m.l.hoffert\′s Photo
8 Jul 14, 12:46AM
(2 replies)
Regarding the output of the MathML generation
I think it would be more readable to display the MathML output with with indentation. Since the indentation can greatly increase horizontal width of the output, it should be placed below the formula.

For example, this is the current output:

The text just runs right off the page. Instead, we could format the text to be displayed below the formula, like so:

This "demo" is not photoshopped. I just removed the table and replaced it with the formula (the <math> element) followed by the <pre>. I then indented the content of the <pre>. Creating an XML indenter would be the most difficult part (but presumably there's a library out there for whatever language the MathML transformation is programmed in).

Note that I set the tab size of the <pre> to 4. Failure to do this will result in massive tabs that take up too much space (IMO).

m.l.hoffert\′s Photo
8 Jul 14, 12:48AM
Perhaps the output should rather be placed inside a text area? This would make it easier to copy. Preferable the text area would behave like the one at the bottom of the LaTeX equation editor (when you click it, the text is automatically selected).
CodeCogs\′s Photo
7 Oct 14, 7:53AM
We're slowly redesigning the editor, and we'll take these suggestions on board. Thanks
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