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Separate equation onto 2 lines

alogan\′s Photo
20 Jan 16, 4:29PM
(1 reply)
Separate equation onto 2 lines
Hi all,

I would like to split the following equation over 2 lines. Any thoughts on how to do this. I would like to split the sentence where the '\\' currently is...
\textit{ long line that \\ 
I want to split into 2} = \frac{(\textit{blah blah blah})} {(\textit{blah blah blah})}
I am trying to test it using http://www.codecogs.com/eqneditor

Thanks in advance
CodeCogs\′s Photo
25 Jan 16, 9:12PM
Because you're operating in mathematics mode, you generally you'll have to setup a matrix, i.e.
\begin{matrix} \textit{long line that} \\ \textit{I want to split into 2} \end{matrix}
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