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Index » Products » LaTeX Equation Editor » Tiny MCE »

CodeCogs\′s Photo
30 Apr 17, 7:16AM

Generally image alignment with the surround text is a pain. Because from a simple image we've no way of knowing what offset to apply to the image. A solution that was suggest some time ago was that we should add white space above or below the main equation image, so the baseline is always in the centre. You can then easily move the image accordingly using a simple bit of javascript. This however means even a basic image, say would now be twice the size and all image would have to be aligned to prevent them looking ridiculous. But I do think we should make this an option at least.

Our current solution is that you make a slightly different request for a json object using http://latex.codecogs.com/json.latex? which will return to you the offset and a hard link to the equation image. You then have to parse the json object and adjust the image as you require. The negative to this approach is you have to make two requests to our service for each image.

I'm unsure what the second error is. Would you be able to send us a sample html page demonstrating how you've set up the code so we can repeat the problem. You can send this through to us using support at codecogs dot com.

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