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including graphics in equation editor

mathemagician\′s Photo
11 May 11, 8:18PM
(3 replies)
including graphics in equation editor
Using the equation editor, is it possible to include a graphic within my latex code/ equation?
CodeCogs\′s Photo
12 May 11, 8:43AM
Currently no.

This is the first time we've had a request of this nature, there might be alternative. What exactly are you trying to do?
mathemagician\′s Photo
12 May 11, 1:55PM
Well, I know how to include graphics in the full version of Latex and I like all the options and formatting possibilities. At the moment I'd like to include graphs or other images with my equations and I just figured it would be really slick if I could have all components together in one image. No worries though, just wanted to make sure. I'll figure a way around it, thanks for the reply!
CodeCogs\′s Photo
13 May 11, 10:19AM
I think it would be difficult for us to provide this capability with the current editor. We are however currently working on an HTML based equation system, with the layout performed using CSS and symbols provided from CodeCogs. This also has the potential of allowing you to include any other HTML within the equation, which could include your images.

Hopefully we should have something ready within a month. Just have a backlog of other products to release first :)
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