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Index » Products » LaTeX Equation Editor »

Plugin doesn't work in ckeditor

Brian Nelson\′s Photo
12 Oct 17, 2:26PM
(2 replies)
Plugin doesn't work in ckeditor
I downloaded the latest zip from the install page:


I integrated it into our ckeditor instance, and it came up just fine. I clicked the button, created an equation, but when I clicked OK, it threw an error. In the last line of the onOk handler:


Example is undefined.

CKEDITOR === 4.5.2.

Looking around, the first thing I noticed is that while the zip says the sources are 2.2, the comments in the code say 2.1.

Also, the code makes a call to the code cogs server to get version 18 of:


But it gets only version 17; that's quite likely the source of the problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to correct this? I could easily comment out that last line that's causing the issue, but would prefer to solve this some other way than a hack.

Thank you,


Brian Nelson\′s Photo
12 Oct 17, 5:05PM
I figured it out, sorta.

By debugging the code on your install page, I found out that 19 was the version of the lite editor file I wanted.

That solves the problem with the Example object not being defined, but introduces a new one: anytime you insert an open curly bracket, the code throws an Error.

This happens whether you insert it by typing it, or clicking a toolbar button.

Given how ubiquitous that character is, I can't figure out how no one noticed this. It renders the editor pretty much useless.

At this point, with all of the problems I've found, I'm going to recommend that we look elsewhere for our math equation needs.


CodeCogs\′s Photo
15 Oct 17, 11:48AM
Hi. Thanks for notification. We racing to get a new editor out ASAP, so we've unfortunately let the current version of the CKEditor plugin slip. We'll try to rectify this on Monday.
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