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Nusselt intpipe

Returns the Nusselt number for a fluid going through a pipe.
Controller: CodeCogs



Nusselt Intpipe

doubleRe )[inline]
This module calculates the Nusselt number for a fluid which flows through a pipe, the flow being either laminar or turbulent. The fluid must keep its state of matter during the heat transfer process.

The formulae for each case are given by


where \inline {\rm Re} is the Reynolds number, \inline {\rm Pr} is the Prandtl number and \inline {\rm Gr} is the Grashof number of the fluid. If the Reynolds number is less than 2000 the flow is considered laminar, while if it is greater than 4000 the flow is considered turbulent.

In the diagrams below the unit heat flow is shown in the laminar and turbulent regimes.


1/intpipe-378.png cannot be found in /users/1/intpipe-378.png. Please contact the submission author.

Example 1

The following code calculates the Nusselt number for Air at 65 degrees Celsius flowing throug a pipe at 25 degrees with diameter of 0.5 meters. Both the laminar and turbulent cases are considered.
#include <codecogs/engineering/thermodynamics/convection/nusselt_intpipe.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  double Pr = 0.70849, Gr = 384057065.8607, Re1 = 800, Re2 = 5100;
  printf("\nAir at 65 deg. Celsius\n");
  printf("flowing through a pipe at 25 deg. Celsius\n\n");
  printf("Re = %.2lf (laminar flow)\n", Re1);
  printf("Nu = %.4lf\n\n", 
  Engineering::Heat_Transfer::Convection::Nusselt_intpipe(Pr, Gr, Re1));
  printf("Re = %.2lf (turbulent flow)\n", Re2);
  printf("Nu = %.4lf\n\n", 
  Engineering::Heat_Transfer::Convection::Nusselt_intpipe(Pr, Gr, Re2));
  return 0;


Air at 65 deg. Celsius
flowing through a pipe at 25 deg. Celsius
Re = 800.00 (laminar flow)
Nu = 8.4761
Re = 5100.00 (turbulent flow)
Nu = 16.7463


Dan Stefanescu, Mircea Marinescu - "Termotehnica"


Prthe Prandtl number of the fluid
Grthe Grashof number of the fluid
Rethe Reynolds number of the fluid


the Nusselt number of the fluid with given parameters


Grigore Bentea, Lucian Bentea (November 2006)
Source Code

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