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Tests whether the given arguments are equal.
template<class T> bool isEqual (const T& a, const T& b)
template<class T> bool isGreater (const T& a, const T& b)
template<class T> bool isLess (const T& a, const T& b)


Calculates the number of elements in an array that satisfy a certain condition.
template<class T> int countif (int n, T *data, T cmp, bool (*fctpnt)(const T&, const T&))
int countif (int n, int *data, const char *cmp)


Calculates the sum of elements in an array that satisfy a certain condition.
template<class T> T sumif (int n, T *data, T cmp, bool (*fctpnt)(const T&, const T&))
int sumif (int n, int *data, const char *cmp)