Iso efficiency curves

Iso efficiency curves
I am looking for any code or an guidance, regarding how to draw pump iso efficiency curves in excel or any program in C or JAVA.... please help...

21 Nov 12, 2:22PM
For most pumps the efficiency curves are empirically estimated from various pump tests at various pressure heads. So I doubt there is one generic formula that covers all pumps. I suspect each manufacturer will have their own set of curves.
That said there must be some general curves for each of the main pump types.

22 Nov 12, 6:54AM
Yes, very true. But my requirement is how can I draw ISO efficiency curve pragmatically when I am having Flow head and respective power values?
Can you help on this?

22 Nov 12, 10:32AM
There is a certain amount on the web, i.e.
that explains how to make the ISO efficiency curves. Though you really need to buy the ISO documentation on this:
Regarding making a program to produce this graph, then if you have the data then most of the lines can be easily plotted on. The challenge is producing the contours of efficiency; which by all accounts seem to be hand drawn / estimates for most pump graphs I've seen. There are plenty of contouring routines, so its certainly very possible, but its really a question of how many of these are you aiming to produce. Sometime some final editing with photoshop is quicker!

22 Nov 12, 10:52AM
Thank you very for the reply. I really appreciate the solution and will try to materialize the same and will let you know..