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View posts Map storing key value pairs in sorted formatsupernerdd7 1 1827 Wed Nov 10, 11:18 AM
CStrike07  latest
View posts Approximate string match library in c++?farukhcasy2 0 1132 Wed Apr 8, 6:55 AM
farukhcasy2  latest
View posts Interpolation procedure in C++Flash 2 2686 Tue Aug 25, 10:55 AM
Flash  latest
View posts How to use library.h file that I purchased salim.rostami 1 2777 Tue Aug 12, 3:12 PM
salim.rostami  latest
View posts How do i run this code KOFFI 1 7821 Sun Jul 7, 11:32 PM
CodeCogs  latest
View posts Testing Poisson distribution CDF in objective c and get wrong resultsORaz 1 5570 Sun Jul 7, 11:35 PM
CodeCogs  latest
View posts problem with the func 'strstr'idobry 0 4943 Sat Dec 22, 1:47 PM
idobry  latest
View posts problem with the func 'strstr'idobry 0 4244 Sat Dec 22, 1:43 PM
idobry  latest
View posts How to optimize fgets file read timeAjin 1 3759 Thu Dec 6, 12:46 PM
will  latest
View posts not getting expected result with fgetsshiguera 1 5044 Mon Oct 8, 4:18 AM
shiguera  latest
View posts How to make a DLL from cdf_inv.h code?JorgeBJ 0 5879 Mon May 28, 7:45 PM
JorgeBJ  latest
View posts How to make a DLL from cdf_inv.h code?JorgeBJ 4 4785 Mon May 28, 8:46 PM
JorgeBJ  latest
View posts Compare between the similarity of rowsNony2007 0 3498 Sat Feb 11, 2:33 AM
Nony2007  latest
View posts Compare between the similarity of rowsNony2007 1 3452 Sun Feb 19, 4:33 PM
CodeCogs  latest
View posts Approx pi c++tpoole00 4 11070 Thu Sep 19, 6:40 PM
jamess86607  latest
View posts Help me make a Binary Arithmetic Calculator with Turbo C.Memphame 1 8597 Sun Nov 13, 11:21 AM
CodeCogs  latest
View posts long double version of C's sqrt() function?happilymambo 1 4882 Mon Nov 22, 5:15 AM
CodeCogs  latest
View posts Need Help?engjay 1 3882 Sun May 16, 7:56 PM
CodeCogs  latest
View posts Borland c++ Buidergoldenboy 0 4062 Wed Mar 10, 1:16 PM
goldenboy  latest
View posts arcsingoldenboy 2 12240 Sat Jan 30, 8:35 AM
goldenboy  latest