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Any Payment Restrictions on integration of Tiny Mce editor or math editor plugin

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kishoresai438\′s Photo
24 Sep 12, 8:55AM
(1 reply)
Any Payment Restrictions on integration of Tiny Mce editor or math editor plugin
Hi Team, I am planning to integrate this Tiny Editor in my website for mathematical calculations. As per my observation Our math expression images saved in your server. In future is there any trail period or any restrictions regarding integration.

So, Please reply this one. it ll be very helpful to me.... Thanks in advance...
CodeCogs\′s Photo
25 Sep 12, 7:27AM

Currently your're restricted to generating about 3000 equation a days for free. If you can keep within that then it's free. Naturally we would appreciate it if you include on your website a banner linking back to us.

Further T&C are available here: http://www.codecogs.com/latex/usage.php

Good luck with your site.
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