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position uniform

Position of an object moving uniformly
Controller: CodeCogs

Private project under development, to help contact the author: Contact Controller




This module computes the position of an object moving uniformly (constant speed or constant acceleration).


Lucian Bentea (July 2007)

Position Const Velocity

doublex0 = 0
doublet0 = 0 )[inline]
This function determines the position \inline  x(t) of an object at time \inline  t after moving uniformly at constant velocity \inline  v for a certain period of time. The formula relating the above quantities is where \inline  x_0 is the initial position of the object at time \inline  t_0.

Example 1

#include <codecogs/physics/kinematics/position_uniform.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
  // the constant velocity and the current time
  double v = 5.7, t = 12;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Velocity = " << v << " m/s";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "    Time = " << t << " s";
  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
  // compute the current position
  // assuming the initial position and time are null
  std::cout << "Position = " << 
  Physics::Kinematics::position_const_velocity(t, v);
  std::cout << " m" << std::endl;
  return 0;


Velocity = 5.7 m/s
    Time = 12 s
Position = 68.4 m


tthe current time (seconds)
vthe value of the constant velocity (meters per second)
x0Default value = 0
t0Default value = 0


the position of the object after moving uniformly at constant velocity for t seconds (meters)
Source Code

This module is private, for owner's use only.

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Position Const Acceleration

doublex0 = 0
doublet0 = 0 )[inline]
This function determines the position \inline  x(t) of an object at time \inline  t after moving uniformly at constant acceleration \inline  a for a certain period of time, with initial velocity given by \inline  v_0. The formula relating the above quantities is where \inline  x_0 is the initial position of the object at time \inline  t_0.

Example 2

#include <codecogs/physics/kinematics/position_uniform.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
  // the constant velocity and the current time
  double a = 0.7, v0 = 4.33, t = 9.8;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "  Acceleration = " << a << " m/s^2";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Init. velocity = " << v0 << " m/s";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "          Time = " << t << " s";
  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
  // compute the current position
  // assuming the initial position and time are null
  std::cout << "      Position = " << 
  Physics::Kinematics::position_const_acceleration(t, a, v0);
  std::cout << " m" << std::endl;
  return 0;


Acceleration = 0.7 m/s^2
Init. velocity = 4.33 m/s
          Time = 9.8 s
      Position = 76.048 m


tthe current time (seconds)
athe value of the constant acceleration (meters per sq. second)
v0the initial velocity of the object at time t0 (meters per second)
x0Default value = 0
t0Default value = 0


the position of the object after moving uniformly at constant acceleration for t seconds (meters)
Source Code

This module is private, for owner's use only.

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