coupon Days In Period
Return number of days in coupon period containing the settlement date.
Controller: CodeCogs 

intcouponDaysInPeriod( | int | sett | |
int | mat | ||
Finance::Banking::YearlyFreq | freq | ||
Finance::Banking::YearBasis | basis = yb_USA | ) |
Example 1
#include <stdio.h> #include <codecogs/units/date/date.h> #include <codecogs/units/date/dateymd.h> #include <codecogs/finance/banking/coupondaysinperiod.h> int main(void) { int settDate=Units::Date::date(1998, 1, 25); int maturityDate=Units::Date::date(1999, 11, 15); int days=Finance::Banking::couponDaysInPeriod(settDate, maturityDate, Finance::Banking::yf_SemiAnnual, Finance::Banking::yb_Act); int y, m, d; Units::Date::dateYMD(settDate, y, m, d); printf("settlement=%i/%i/%i\n", y, m, d); Units::Date::dateYMD(maturityDate, y, m, d); printf("maturity=%i/%i/%i\n", y, m, d); printf("days in period=%i\n", days); return 0; }
Output:settlement=1998/1/25 maturity=1999/11/15 days in period=181
The yearly frequency to be used in financial calculations
Type | Description |
yf_Annual | Payments are made annually. |
yf_SemiAnnual | Payments are semi-annual (2 per year). |
yf_Quarterly | Payments are quarterly (4 per year). |
- James Warren (August 2005)
<div class="errorbox">The module YearBasis. does not yet exist on the system. Should this persist please contact the website administrator.</div>
sett The settlement date, expressed as a serial Julian date. mat The maturity date of the settlement, expressed as a serial Julian date. freq The frequency with which payments are made: basis The year basis to use for the calculation:
- The number of days in the coupon period.
- James Warren (August 2005)
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