Unit functions
DateString::DateString | unknown (int initialSize)
void | DateString::trim ()
void | DateString::end ()
char* | DateString::getString ()
void | DateString::fill (const char* format, DateTime& dt, Units::Time::summerTimeRegion region)
bool | DateString::resize (int newLength)
bool | DateString::resizeIfNecessary (int numCharsToBeAdded)
void | DateString::append (double numToAppend, int minLength)
void | DateString::append (int numToAppend, int minLength)
void | DateString::append (const char* pStrToAppend, int maxLength)
void | DateString::append (char pChrToAppend)
Unit functions
Calenders: Gregorian, Julian and Excel
Extracts the year from a serial Julian date.
Excel: MONTH
int | year (int nDate, calendar dateSystem)[inline]
int | year (int nDate)[inline]
Returns the current date as a serial Julian date.
Excel: TODAY
Computes the number of days between two serial Julian dates
Open Office: DATEDIFF
int | dateDiff (int startDate, int endDate)[inline]
Computes the number of days between two serial dates using a 360 day accounting years.
\begin{html}Excel: DAYS360\end{html}
int | dateDiff360 (int startDate, int endDate, dateDiffType type=dd_USA)
Converts a serial Julian date into day, month and year values
void | dateYMD (int nDate, int &year, int &month, int &day, calendar dateSystem=cal_Gregorian)
void | dateYMD (const char* date, int &year, int &month, int &day, calendar dateSystem=cal_Gregorian, int century21st=30)
Extracts the day from a serial Julian date.
Excel: DAY
int | day (int nDate, calendar dateSystem=cal_Gregorian)[inline]
Computes the day of the week (Sunday through to Monday), for the specified serial Julian date.
int | dayOfWeek (int nDate, int type=1)[inline]
Computes the Gregorian day of the year from a serial Julian date.
int | dayOfYear (int nDate)[inline]
Returns the date in January when the first Monday occurs.
int | firstMonday (int year)[inline]
Computes the week number of a date - ISO, Excel and Simple standards implemented.
\begin{html}Excel: WEEKNUM\end{html}
int | weekOfYear (int nDate, weekNumStd standard=wkn_ISO, int mode=1)
Returns a string for the weekday specified.
char* | weekday_str (int weekDay, int type=1)
Returns a string pointer to the month of the year.
char* | month_str (int nMonth)
Calculates the date of Easter Sunday for the given year.
int | easterSunday (int year)[inline]
std::string | easterSunday_str (int year)
Advances the specified date to the next weekday.
int | nextWeekDay (int nDate, bool forward=true)[inline]
Returns the number of working days between the start and end dates, excluding holidays.
int | networkDays (int startDate, int endDate, int holidays=0, int* holidayDates=NULL)
Returns the date of the nth weekday within the specified month and year.
int | nthWeekDay (int Nth, int WeekDay, int Year, int Month, int Type=1)
Returns the number of days in the month of a Gregorian calendars.
int | daysInMonth (int year, int month)
Converts serial Julian date into serial Excel date
int | julianToExcel (int nDate, bool Mac=false)
Computes the working date from the specified date plus or minus \a days - excluding holidays.
int | workDay (int nDate, int days, int holidays=0, int* holidayDates=NULL)
Converts serial Excel date into serial Julian date
int | excelToJulian (int ExcelDate, bool Mac=false)
Returns the number of days in the year of a Gregorian calendars.
int | daysInYear (int year)[inline]
Advances a serial date to the last day of the month after adding \a months.
int | endOfMonth (int nDate, int months, calendar dateSystem=cal_Gregorian)[inline]
Extracts the month from a serial Julian date.
Excel: MONTH
int | month (int nDate, calendar dateSystem=cal_Gregorian)[inline]
Advances a serial date by a number of \a Months.
Excel: EDATE
int | incMonth (int nDate, int months, calendar dateSystem=cal_Gregorian)[inline]
Calculates the serial date from the parameters \b day, \b month and \b year.
Excel: DATE
int | date (int Year, int Month, int Day, calendar DateSystem=cal_Gregorian)
int | date (const char* Date, calendar DateSystem=cal_Gregorian, int Century21st=30)