Extracts the year from a serial Julian date.
Excel: MONTH
Controller: CodeCogs 

intyear( | int | nDate | |
calendar | dateSystem | )[inline] |
Example 1
#include <stdio.h> #include <codecogs/units/date/year.h> using namespace Units::Date; int main() { printf("\n The year is %d", year(1741667)); // The year is 0056 printf("\n The year is %d", year(1841667, cal_Julian)); // The year is 0330 return 0; }
- cal_Gregorian - n.b. there is an optimised year function for Gregorian dates.
- cal_Julian - the only sensible mode (for the time being!!)
- cal_Excel (same as Gregorian)
- It may be faster to simply use dateYMD, particularly if you also need the day and year from a date.
nDate is a serial number of days from 24 November 4714 BC (1 January 4713BC in the Julian Calendar) - also known as the Julian Period. dateSystem selects which date system should be used (see constants):
- Will Bateman (Sep 2004)
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intyear( | int | nDate | )[inline] |
References: 2
#include <stdio.h> #include <codecogs/units/date/year.h> using namespace Units::Date; void main() { printf("\n The year is %d", year(27325)); // The year is 1974 printf("\n The year is %d", year(169304)); // The year is 2367 }
- If you require the day, month and year from the Julian Date it may be faster to simply use dateYMD, particularly if you need two or more parts of a date.
nDate is a serial number of days from 24 November 4714 BC (1 January 4713BC in the Julian Calendar) - also known as the Julian Period.
- Will Bateman (Sep 2004)
Source Code
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