network Days
Returns the number of working days between the start and end dates, excluding holidays.
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intnetworkDays( | int | startDate | |
int | endDate | ||
int | holidays = 0 | ||
int* | holidayDates = NULL | ) |
int days=0; for(;startDate < endDate;startDate++) { int h; for(h=0;h<holidays && holidayDates[h]!=startDate;h++); // check against holiday list if(h==holidays && dayOfWeek(startDate)<5) days++; // only increment if not a holiday or weekend }Sadly we don't like this method because the time taken scales linearly with duration between dates. Moreover we have to check all the holidays against every date - an
Example 1
#include <stdio.h> #include <codecogs/units/date/networkdays.h> #include <codecogs/units/date/eastersunday.h> #include <codecogs/units/date/nextweekday.h> #include <codecogs/units/date/date.h> #include <codecogs/units/date/dateymd.h> using namespace Units::Date; int main() { // The major holidays in the Christian World int holidays[7]; holidays[0]=date(2005, 1, 1); // New years day holidays[1]=easterSunday(2005)-2; // Good Friday holidays[2]=easterSunday(2005); // Easter - should be ignored in calculations holidays[3]=easterSunday(2005)+1; // Easter Monday holidays[4]=nextWeekDay(date(2005, 5, 1)-1); // May day holiday (first weekday after the 1st - usually) holidays[5]=date(2004,12,25); // Christmas day holidays[6]=nextWeekDay(holidays[5]); // Boxing day or first weekday after Christmas printf("\n startDate endDate NetworkDays"); int startdate=date("23 oct 2004"); int enddate=date("16 mar 2005"); for(int i=0;i<200;i+=10) { int d,m,y; dateYMD(startdate+i,y,m,d); printf("\n %2d-%2d-%d",d,m,y); dateYMD(enddate,y,m,d); printf(" %2d-%2d-%d",d,m,y); printf(" %d", networkDays(startdate+i, enddate, 7, holidays)); } return 0; }
Output:startDate endDate NetworkDays 23-10-2004 16- 3-2005 102 2-11-2004 16- 3-2005 96 12-11-2004 16- 3-2005 88 22-11-2004 16- 3-2005 82 2-12-2004 16- 3-2005 74 12-12-2004 16- 3-2005 67 22-12-2004 16- 3-2005 60 1- 1-2005 16- 3-2005 53 11- 1-2005 16- 3-2005 47 21- 1-2005 16- 3-2005 39 31- 1-2005 16- 3-2005 33 10- 2-2005 16- 3-2005 25 20- 2-2005 16- 3-2005 18 2- 3-2005 16- 3-2005 11 12- 3-2005 16- 3-2005 3 22- 3-2005 16- 3-2005 -5 1- 4-2005 16- 3-2005 -11 11- 4-2005 16- 3-2005 -17 21- 4-2005 16- 3-2005 -25 1- 5-2005 16- 3-2005 -31
startDate and... endDate are serial Julian dates (see date). The return value is signed, so if startDate occurs before endDate then a negative answer will be returned. See date, for details on creating these numbers. holidays is the number of holidays listed for exclusion, i.e. days that don't count as network days. holidays should match the size of the array passed in holidayDates. If holidayDates is left as NULL, then the number holidays will be deducted from the number of network days (a negative number of days is not allowed); n.b. This is not standard behaviour in Excel. holidayDates is a vector of holiday dates, indexed from 0 to holidays-1. If this array is left pointing to NULL (default), then the number of holidays will be 0 holidays.
- Will Bateman (Sep 2004)
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